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Drug Crimes

Drug Crimes Attorney in Tucson, AZ

Choosing the right drug crimes attorney in Tucson, AZ, can be one of the most important decisions you'll make. Our Tucson, AZ crimes attorney has years of experience representing clients and has successfully handled thousands of cases throughout his career. If you or someone you know has been arrested and charged with a drug crime, contact our Tucson, AZ drug crimes attorney today to learn more about your legal options. Contacting us as soon as possible improves your chances of beating your charges and avoiding jail time.

Avoid Aggressive Charges with Our Help

When people are charged with a drug crime, they may be facing a misdemeanor or a felony. Felonies are punishable by more serious penalties than misdemeanors, but it all depends on the level of offense.
Getting busted with drugs is serious business. Even a small amount of marijuana can get you slapped with a felony, and if you're carrying other drugs like meth, cocaine, or ecstasy, you could face up to ten years in prison. Having a drug crime attorney at your side during pre-filing investigations can help. Even what they do before charges are filed can impact your future. At this stage of the process, our lawyer can monitor the prosecutor. The presence of our lawyer could help you avoid aggressive charges. It's crucial that you choose our attorney who works with prosecutors—and knows how to avoid aggressive charges.

We Monitor Your Case

Keeping you informed about your case is not the police's job, so get the best lawyer in town to do it. A pre-filing investigation may take weeks or months if the police try to build a strong case before filing charges. As a result, you may not know what's happening during that period. You will have peace of mind if you hire a drug lawyer. You will stay informed every step of the way. There will be no surprises.

We Deal With Law Enforcement

A short conversation with the police could provide them with the insight-or leverage-they need before they file charges. Though they will sound calm and even casual during this conversation, remain vigilant. They can use anything you say against you, so you should not speak to them alone.

Contact our criminal defense lawyer right away if the police attempt to speak with you over the phone or in person. Allow us to speak on your behalf. If you speak for yourself, you might say things that could harm your case.

In addition to knowing local drug laws, our lawyer will ensure the police do not violate your rights. We ensure the police follow the correct procedures and that the police do not exploit any loopholes. We ensure the police remain within the law. If evidence is gathered illegally, our lawyer will have it thrown out. We can even make your case be dismissed.

We Will Help You Understand the Charges

If you do not have the legal knowledge, you may not understand the charges against you. Our experienced drug crime lawyer can simplify legal jargon for you.

Our attorney can ensure you understand the charges and their impact on your future, as well as guide you on what to say and do.

Making an informed decision about your case can be easier if you know how the charges will be presented. Choosing our attorney who is familiar with drug laws will help you better understand the details surrounding your case.

Our Defense Strengthens Your Case

Some of the evidence you need for a strong defense is hard to gather on your own. Seek the help of our experienced lawyer instead. We use professional connections like investigators to gather the evidence before someone steps in to clean up the crime scene. It may be possible to get the charges dropped or avoid jail if we collect this evidence.

We do thorough investigations

Information gathered by the police cannot determine a good defense strategy. You need to do your investigation based on the evidence your lawyer gathers. Our investigation could help you get acquitted or reduce the charges filed against you.

We Secure Your Future

You can fight to ensure that you still have a future with the help of our drug crime lawyer. You could suffer serious penalties, fines, or jail time if you cannot do so. The charges will also stay on your record and may affect your career prospects later in life.

Types of drug crimes we deal with include:

Cultivation/manufacturing: A person involved in the growing or manufacturing of drugs will be charged with cultivation or manufacturing.

Distribution and trafficking: People are charged with distribution if they deliver, provide, or sell illegal substances. Trafficking occurs when controlled or illegal substances are distributed or sold.

Possession: Possession charges are the most common type of drug charge. A possession charge in Tucson pertains to marijuana use in public, driving under its influence, and a licensed establishment may only sell the drug to adults over 21.

Dealing: While "dealing" is like trafficking, it is a smaller-scale crime where one individual distributes drugs. The amount is smaller than that of an actual trafficker.

Paraphernalia is anything that is typically associated with using or cultivating drugs, such as syringes, bongs, rolling papers, or different glass pipes.

While drug crimes can be tried as misdemeanors, most of the time, they are considered felonies. A felony conviction usually means a more severe punishment than a misdemeanor and carries longer-lasting consequences. If you're facing drug charges, speak to a criminal defense attorney right away to learn about your rights and options. A dedicated attorney will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes that could prove costly in the long run.

If you've been charged with a drug crime, you must seek the counsel of a seasoned criminal defense attorney. At Katsarelis Law, PLLC, our experienced lawyer will fight for your rights and ensure that they handle your case in the most professional manner possible. My first priority is to protect your rights. Call us today at 520-510-0439 to schedule an appointment!

Get a free consultation


Don’t know where to start yet? It is necessary to find yourself a highly experienced criminal defense lawyer who will help you navigate through better. Speaking with an experienced assault attorney will explain to you the available options and assist you in getting the best possible outcome.

For any charges that need an attorney to help, reach us on 520-510-0439, 177 North Church Avenue, Suite 900, or send us a mail at [email protected]. Our crime attorneys in Arizona and Tucson are dedicated to helping clients achieve the best possible outcomes in their cases. We do this by negotiating with the government, preparing for trial, and litigating motions to suppress evidence. Assault is a serious crime that could result in jail time and other penalties. Let us help you avoid these consequences as much as possible.

    Disclaimer: Attorney Advertising. This information is designed for general information only.