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Tucson Burglary Attorney

Burglary is one of the most severe criminal charges and carries a potential prison sentence. Burglary is defined as the unlawful entry or remaining in the building of another person with the intent to commit a felony or do some injury to the property or person.

The burglary charge can be a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on its circumstances. If you have been charged with burglary, you must speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help protect your rights and fight for your future.

Who is a Burglary Charges Defense Attorney?

A burglary charge defense attorney will have experience handling these cases and know how best to defend against them. They will learn how to challenge the evidence against you, including witness testimony and police reports, and any forensic evidence such as fingerprints and DNA that may be used against you in court. They will also be able to advise on whether other defenses could be used at trial, such as self-defense or intoxication (if alcohol or drugs were involved).

Burglary Defense Attorneys: What They Do?

A burglary defense attorney specializes in defending clients against burglary charges. They might handle cases involving residential burglary, commercial burglary, auto theft, or some other type of theft related to property damage or theft with the intent to permanently deprive someone else of their property by stealing it or destroying it so that they cannot use it anymore.

Burglars often target cars or homes because those are easy targets people leave them unlocked or leave valuable items visible through windows and doors at all times of day and night. A good burglar can get away with thousands of dollars of goods from one break-in.

Burglary and Robbery: What Is the Difference?

The difference between burglary and robbery is that burglary requires entry into a structure or vehicle. In contrast, robbery requires an actual physical taking of money or property from someone present at entry into the system or vehicle.

Forms of Burglary

There are several different types of burglary charges, including:

  • Entering any dwelling house (or part of a dwelling house) with intent to commit felony or theft therein
  • Being found concealed in any dwelling house (or part of a dwelling house) under circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to believe he had entered lawfully
  • Remaining concealed within any dwelling house (or part of a dwelling house) after having gained unlawful entry to that
  • Entering any store, warehouse, stable, barn, or other building, tent, or vessel adapted for overnight accommodation of persons (including any shipwrecked vessel) with intent to commit felony or theft therein

How Much Does the Attorney Cost?

Burglary charges defense attorneys typically charge by the hour and may bill you hourly after any initial retainer has been paid. The cost of retaining an attorney varies depending on several factors, including geographic location and the attorney's experience level.

Contact Us Today

Katsarelis Law PLLC is here to help. Call us today at 520-510-043 or send an email to [email protected] to schedule your appointment with one of our attorneys in the Tucson area.

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Don’t know where to start yet? It is necessary to find yourself a highly experienced criminal defense lawyer who will help you navigate through better. Speaking with an experienced assault attorney will explain to you the available options and assist you in getting the best possible outcome.

For any charges that need an attorney to help, reach us on 520-510-0439, 177 North Church Avenue, Suite 600, or send us a mail at [email protected]. Our crime attorneys in Arizona and Tucson are dedicated to helping clients achieve the best possible outcomes in their cases. We do this by negotiating with the government, preparing for trial, and litigating motions to suppress evidence. Assault is a serious crime that could result in jail time and other penalties. Let us help you avoid these consequences as much as possible.

    Disclaimer: Attorney Advertising. This information is designed for general information only.