Tucson Burglary Attorney

If you find yourself facing burglary charges in Tucson, AZ, dealing with the legal process and potential repercussions can be confusing. A burglary conviction carries serious consequences that could affect your freedom and future. That’s where experienced legal representation becomes indispensable.

Our Tucson criminal defense attorneys will defend your rights and ensure that you receive fair treatment under the law. We understand that each case is unique, and we offer personalized defense strategies to match the circumstances of your charge. For help with a criminal matter in Tucson, Arizona, call Katsarelis Law Criminal Defense Attorneys at (520) 510-0439 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with a Tucson burglary attorney.

How Katsarelis Law Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help If You’re Arrested For Burglary in Tucson

How Katsarelis Law Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help If You’re Arrested For Burglary in Tucson

If you’ve been arrested or have been detained and are being investigated for burglary in Tucson, Arizona, the first thing you should do is reach out to an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Here’s how our firm will help you in this situation: 

  • We will meticulously review every detail of the alleged incident, scrutinizing police reports and other evidence to identify any flaws or inconsistencies in the prosecution’s case.
  • Our attorneys will leverage their knowledge of Arizona’s legal system to negotiate more favorable terms for plea agreements, reducing charges or obtaining a more lenient sentence than you’d face if you went to trial.
  • We will offer comprehensive support and guidance throughout the entire legal process, from preliminary hearings to trial, ensuring that our clients are fully informed and prepared at every stage.

For help with a burglary charge, contact Katsarelis Law Criminal Defense Attorneys to schedule a free consultation with a Tucson theft crimes lawyer.

Overview of Burglary in Arizona 

Burglary involves intentionally entering a property, such as a house, apartment, business building, or car, with the intention of stealing something or committing a felony. Depending on the specific circumstances of the case, there are different degrees of this crime in Arizona. 

Third-Degree Burglary 

Third-degree burglary is considered the least severe form of burglary. It includes cases where someone unlawfully gains access to or remains on commercial property – an office building or an enclosed space like a yard – with the intent to commit theft or another felony. It also covers using a manipulation key or a master key to get into a vehicle with the intent of committing a crime.

Second-Degree Burglary 

Second-degree burglary involves unlawfully entering or staying in a dwelling — places where people live, like houses, apartments, condominiums, or townhouses — with the intention of committing theft or a felony within.

First-Degree Burglary 

First-degree burglary occurs when an individual enters any residential or nonresidential structure, or even a vehicle, with the intent to commit theft or a felony and is armed/possesses a weapon or dangerous instrument during the act. These items can include, but are not limited to, explosives, knives, guns, bats, or hammers. The presence of a weapon significantly increases the gravity of the charge.

No matter what type of burglary charge you’re facing, it’s essential to contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.

What Are the Penalties For Burglary in Tucson, Arizona? 

The penalties for burglary in Arizona vary according to the degree of the charge. If you’re a defendant facing charges, it’s important to understand what you’re looking at in terms of consequences. 

Third-Degree Burglary 

Third-degree burglary is a class 4 felony, which could result in a prison sentence ranging from 1.5 to 3 years. Prison time can increase up to 3.75 years if particular aggravating factors are present in the case.

Second-Degree Burglary

Second-degree burglary is considered a class 3 felony. The penalties become more severe, with potential prison time spanning from 2.5 to 7 years. Aggravating factors, such as having a prior criminal record or wearing body armor during the commission of the crime, can extend the sentence up to 8.75 years.

First-Degree Burglary 

Burglary in the first degree is treated as a class 2 felony or a class 3 felony, depending on the specifics. If the structure is non-residential, it’s a class 3 burglary, which carries between 2.5 and 8.75 years in prison.

Burglarizing residential structures is charged as a class 2 felony, carrying 5 to 12.5 years in prison, and sometimes longer when aggravating circumstances are present.

The penalties for burglary are serious no matter which type you’re facing. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible for help. 

What Defenses Can Be Raised If I’m Arrested For Burglary? 

If you’ve been arrested for burglary in Arizona, there are several defenses that your attorney may consider to challenge your charges. Here are some of the most frequently used defenses:

  • Lack of Intent: You could argue that you had no intent to commit theft or any felony upon entering the property.
  • Mistake of Fact: If you genuinely believed you had the right to enter the property but were mistaken, you could raise this defense. However, the mistake must be reasonable and in good faith to be successful.
  • Alibi: You can provide proof that you were not at the scene of the crime when the burglary occurred.
  • No Entry: You can show that you did not actually enter the property, which is a necessary element of burglary.
  • Illegal Search and Seizure: Evidence was obtained in violation of your Fourth Amendment rights and must be excluded.

Every case is different, and the specific defense used will be based on what your attorney believes is the best strategy. 

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With Our Tucson Burglary Attorneys

Facing burglary charges in Arizona can have a profound impact on your life, but it’s important to remember that you have rights and there are ways to fight back. With the right legal defense, it’s possible to challenge the prosecution’s case against you. If you are being accused of burglary, reaching out to a skilled Tucson burglary attorney is crucial for navigating the situation. Contact Katsarelis Law Criminal Defense Attorneys to schedule a free consultation.