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Gun Crime Charges Defense

Have You Been Charged with A Gun Crime? Trust Katsarelis Law PPLC For an Aggressive Defense Today!

Tucson and Arizona have the strictest and hard to understand gun laws and regulations. It is easy to find yourself on the wrong side of the law unknowingly. The good news is that our law firm is here to seek you out. Immediately you are charged with a gun crime, reach us to explain to you what your charges were caused by and help you drop the charges as soon as we can.

What types of charges can you get involved in?

In AZ and Tucson, we have laws regulating what kind of weapons you can have and who can possess them. The law also gives instructions on where, when, and how the weapon will be used. The most common gun charges that you might be charged with forcing you to have an attorney include:

  • Assault with a firearm- regardless of causing the injury, any attempt to injure a person with a weapon is an assault. And will get you arrested and taken to caught to prove your innocence.
  • Possession of illegal fire arm-having access to illicit weapons such as the large-capacity magazine, assault weapons, silencers armor-piercing, and stun guns. When charged with, we can help.
  • Possessing an unlicensed firearm- whether in your homes or at work or having unlicensed guns, you can be charged with a misdemeanor. Even if they are licensed, there is a law that guides the usage of firearms and needs to be followed.
  • Felon with a firearm-AZ restricts individuals with certain misdemeanor convictions from possessing guns. Those addicted to drugs are also not allowed to purchase, receive, or have guns for their own and other safety.
  • Carrying a loaded gun in public- if you are found walking with a loaded gun in public, you will be arrested. The law allows only individuals with the permit to do so. And suppose you are detained near government premises and school buildings. In that case, you will face additional penalties, and for you to get from the charges, you will need a very experienced attorney, and that is why we are here, Katsarelis Law PPLC.
  • If you possess a concealed firearm, it should be unloaded and locked in its box if you carry a gun. Having a gun in your car is illegal, and you will find yourself behind bars if you don't find a good representative for you.
  • Drive-by shooting-it does not necessarily mean that you are the shooter for you to be charged. As long as you were driving or a passenger in a shooting, you will also be charged for not restricting the victim from committing the crime, but this should not be an issue because our attorneys will save your day.
  • Brandishing a weapon- firearms in an angry and threatening way can harm a person. This will lead you to be charged with an attempt of murder, and you can find yourself serving a term in jail.
  • Shooting at dwelling places- shooting close to vehicles and building is illegal. You will be arrested and charged even if you just added in the shooting. And if the building or vehicle was occupied, you will have harsh penalties.

Possible Gun Sentencing Enhancements

If you use your firearm to commit another crime, you will be charged with more than one offense, and the penalties will be harsher. The two main guns sentencing in Tucson, AZ, and the neighborhood include:

Personally, using the gun- if you are found in possession of a firearm that has been used to commit a crime or maybe added from 1-10 years on your sentence. No want will want to face such charges. Katsarelis law will try with the experience we have to drop these charges and return to your free world.

10-20-life -is when you use the gun to commit significant crimes like murder, rape, robbery, and kidnapping. If you get convicted for such crimes, you can be added over 25 years for taking out a life.

Get Yourself the Best Defense Attorney to Any Gun or Weapon Charges Today!

You will rarely find the people charged with firearms having a history of being in prison or against the law. Most of them are innocent, and being accused of possessing firearms can be terrifying. Are you one of them? Katsalerislaw PPLC will make it easier for you and give you your freedom back.

What can be more worrying to a first-time accused is knowing that the case will go to court and result in a prison sentence, of either a few years or a lifetime. You will be away from your friends, family and loved ones. Whatever the imprisonment is, I am very certain that you wouldn't want such an experience, hence getting the need of a best attorney.

At Katsarelis law PPLC, we understand Tucson, Arizona's detailed, complicated gun and weapon laws and the surrounding. We have more than 10 yearsof experience in defending the accused and we will help you build the most robust defenses to any posed charges. We are not limited to gun charges alone; we can also protect you from other crimes allegedly caused by using the gun.

Even if we don't get discreet evidence to drop your charges and regain your freedom, we will ensure a favorable and fair plea deal is granted. However, our goal is to provide you do not end up behind bars.

Reach Us Now for Free Consultation

If you need someone you can trust to drop your charges and go back to your everyday life, Katsarelis law PPLC is here for you. Contact us through our office mobile number 520-510-0439 and request our free consultation. You can also reach us on our email at [email protected] and see what we offer. Book us today, and let us start defending you. Our customer care is always ready to receive your call from Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm. Whatever your legal demand is, Katsarelis law got you covered.

Get a free consultation


Don’t know where to start yet? It is necessary to find yourself a highly experienced criminal defense lawyer who will help you navigate through better. Speaking with an experienced assault attorney will explain to you the available options and assist you in getting the best possible outcome.

For any charges that need an attorney to help, reach us on 520-510-0439, 177 North Church Avenue, Suite 900, or send us a mail at [email protected]. Our crime attorneys in Arizona and Tucson are dedicated to helping clients achieve the best possible outcomes in their cases. We do this by negotiating with the government, preparing for trial, and litigating motions to suppress evidence. Assault is a serious crime that could result in jail time and other penalties. Let us help you avoid these consequences as much as possible.

    Disclaimer: Attorney Advertising. This information is designed for general information only.