What Happens If You Get An Out Of State Warrant For Arrest?

No one wants to hear that there is a warrant out for arrest. If you are charged with committing a crime in another state, you could get an out-of-state warrant. The rules concerning out-of-state warrants are confusing.  If you have reason to believe that there is a warrant out for your arrest in another state, […]

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What Proof Is Needed For A Restraining Order?

There are different standards of proof to get a restraining order in Arizona. The amount and type of proof depend on the type of restraining order and case. If you are seeking a restraining order, or fighting against one, you should understand the proof needed to obtain a restraining order. Types Of Restraining Orders In […]

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Does Arizona Have Romeo and Juliet Laws?

In the state of Arizona, statutory rape refers to engaging in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with a person who is under the age of consent, which is 18. Under Arizona law, this is deemed illegal as those under the age of 18 are not legally capable of giving consent to sexual activities.   Understanding […]

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Indecent Exposure Laws in Arizona

Indecent exposure is a criminal offense in Arizona that carries serious implications. Given the potential for severe penalties, it is crucial for defendants to understand their rights and seek professional legal counsel to navigate these charges. Indecent exposure is legally defined in Arizona as the act of revealing one’s genitals, anus, or, if female, the nipple […]

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Understanding Federal Good Time Credit

If you or a loved one are currently incarcerated in a federal prison, you may be wondering if you qualify for good time credit that can reduce your overall sentence. Getting time reduced from your sentence is understandably an important goal, as it means getting released from prison sooner. This guide covers the basics of […]

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Are There a Certain Number of Misdemeanors That Equal a Felony

At Katsarelis Law, we often encounter clients who are concerned about the cumulative effect of multiple misdemeanor charges on their criminal record. A common question we hear is, “Do misdemeanors add up to felonies?” The short answer is: not directly, but there are situations where multiple misdemeanors can lead to felony charges. Let’s delve into […]

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Are Mushrooms Legal in Arizona? What You Need to Know

For nature lovers and culinary enthusiasts, foraging for wild mushrooms can be an exciting adventure. However, when it comes to certain types of mushrooms in Arizona, the law takes a very strict stance. In this article, we’ll explore the legalities surrounding magic mushrooms and psychedelic mushrooms in the state, along with the potential penalties for […]

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